We have a vision where the Traveller and Roma Communities experience equality and their social, political, economic, cultural and human rights are realised across the island of Ireland.
Donegal Travellers Project is a community-based partnership of Travellers, Roma and members of the wider community working for justice, equality and human rights for Travellers, Roma and for other ethnic minority communities. We offer programmes, supports and services for the entire Traveller and Roma communities. DTP is a voice for Travellers and Roma and supports Traveller and Roma leadership in our work, lobbying for the rights of Travellers and Roma. The model of Community Work as set out by the All Ireland Standards for Community Work Ireland underpins all our strategic plans and the operational plans which flow from them.
At the heart of all the work we do are these core Community Work principles:
DTP works in collective ways, establishing groups, networks and organisations that enable communities to work together. Our focus is on benefits for communities rather than benefits to individuals.
DTP advocates for and works with members of the Traveller, Roma and other communities. We also work to empower individuals and families to advocate for themselves by building capacity and skills in the Traveller and Roma communities.
DTP recognises that social justice and sustainable development are key and pursuing these goals demands that we advocate for changes needed in policies and laws to ensure that all people can benefit equally from an equitable distribution of wealth, opportunities and privileges.
The promotion of human rights, equality and anti-discrimination are chief concerns of the Donegal Travellers Project. DTP works to consolidate and strategically influence policy and the approach to equality and anti-racism work in the county, regionally, and nationally, so that Traveller and Roma culture, issues, and ethnicity is included from a rights-based position. This involves addressing the many forms of discrimination that many groups experience, including Traveller, Roma and other minority ethnic groups, people with disabilities, and LGBTQI+ people, among others.
DTP provides training for agencies and organisations, media work, relationship-building and advocacy. We promote equality for Travellers and Roma in the area of education through home/school liaison, after-schools programmes with two Homework clubs, St. Gabriel’s Intercultural Preschool and a range of adult education initiatives.
Donegal Travellers Project works to enable our communities to influence outcomes at decision-making levels. We support the development of integrated and participatory forms of planning, organising and works toward the active engagement of communities with state agencies and other bodies in decision-making.