Benefits of our training
- Be a recognised organisation that promotes diversity in the workplace
- Increase trust and support for your business from minority groups
- Promote a culture of diversity in your workplace by encouraging staff to complete the training
- Gain a certificate of completion for each staff member that takes the training
- Display your DiversityAware certificate on your social networks
- Promote your DiversityAware participation in your marketing and PR efforts

What you will learn
There are seven core modules delivered by experts in each area:
Module 1: Understanding Diversity
Module 2: Understanding Ethnicity
Module 3: Interculturalism
Module 4: Who are Asylum Seekers and Refugees?
Module 5: Who are Travellers and Roma in Irish society?
Module 6: Understanding Racism
Module 7: Respecting Diversity on Social Media
Meet Your Trainers
Siobhan McLaughlin – Project Manager – Donegal Travellers Project

Module 1 – Diversity: Ann Friel Primary Health Care Coordinator For Donegal Travellers Project
Ann Friel is a Traveller Women, a human rights activist and works as a Primary Health Care Co-ordinator within Donegal Travellers Project. She is committed to achieving equitable health outcomes for the Traveller Community and has advocated at local, national and international level to attain transformative change for Travellers in policy and practice, with the objective to create critical consciousness regarding issues effecting members of the community. Ann is committed to the eradication of oppression and discrimination for all utilising a community development and human rights framework.

Module 2 – Ethnicity: Dalia Taftazani: Arabic Support Worker For The Building Intercultural Communities Project
Dalia Taftazani is an Egyptian Arabic Language Support Worker with the BIC Project. She qualified as a dentist in 2010 and moved to Ireland in July of 2011. She misses her family and friends in Egypt, loves Ireland and is happy with her international group of friends in Letterkenny. Dalia is interested in diversity and bringing people together.

Module 3 – Interculturalism: Kate Hagan Community Development and Health Worker – Donegal Travellers Project
Kate Hagan is currently the Community Development and Health Worker with Donegal Travellers Project working to achieve equality, social justice and human rights for, and with, the Irish Traveller Community.
Kate holds a professional post-graduate qualification in Community and Youth Work and has worked in practice, policy and research settlings locally, nationally and internationally. Kate’s practice and research interests converge in a specific interest in community work as a rights-based practice locally and globally. She is an active steering member of the Donegal Intercultural Platform and is committed to challenging structural inequality and social injustices.

Module 4 – Who Are Refugees & Asylum Seekers: Eyad Meshael – Intercultural Support Worker – Donegal Resettlement Programme
Eyad Meshael is an Intercultural Support Worker for the Refugee Resettlement Programme in Co Donegal. He has a Masters in Global Management; BA in Management Information Systems; QQI Certificates in social analysis, and Intercultural Studies. His main work focus is in a supporting to people who are marginalised to tackle the problems they face in their everyday lives so they can begin to thrive in their local area and new homeland. He is a firm believer in Volunteerism and Community Work and is heavily involved in both.

Nolunga Sholongu – Support Worker For Asylum Seeker – Donegal Travellers Project
Nolunga Sholongu is a Community Development Activist who holds a Bachelor’s Degree (honours) in Community Development from the Letterkenny Institute of Technology and a Master’s Degree in Public Advocacy and Activism from NUIG. Currently, she is working as a Community Health Worker working with asylum seekers and refugees residing in Donegal. Additionally, Nolunga is a member of the Steering Group of the PEACE IV funded Building Intercultural Communities Project managed by Donegal Travellers Project. For more than a decade, she has been a link for women coming from minority ethnic backgrounds via facilitating programmes encouraging intercultural awareness.

Module 5 – Who Are Irish Travellers: Hugh Friel – Men’s Health and Development Worker – Donegal Travellers Project
Hugh Friel is from Donegal and has worked with Donegal Travellers Project (DTP) for 21 years. He has campaigned tirelessly against institutional and individual racism. His role to promote Traveller participation at all levels of the work of DTP and deliver capacity building programmes to Traveller men
He is a representative for the organisation on a range of local committees such as the Local Traveller Accommodation Consultative Committee, the Social Inclusion Measures group of the Council, the Traveller Interagency Committee, the Community Health forum and many other local committees.
He also represents the Irish Traveller on the National Traveller Health Advisory forum and is an active member of Minceir Whiden. He works in solidarity with other ethnic minorities in County Donegal to build relationships and promote a collective approach to interculturalism in the county.
In his role as a Development Worker and as an activist, he has campaigned for the recognition of Travellers as an ethnic group and advocate for the rights of Travellers within a human rights framework and continues to call for the redistribution of resources to the community to address the multiple levels of disadvantage his community experiences as a result of racism and marginalisation in Ireland.

Martin Mongan – Involve Youth Worker
Martin Mongan is a Traveller and currently works for Involve Youth Service as Coordinator in Letterkenny. He has been the chair of Donegal Travellers project for the past 2 years.
He has a commitment to human rights and Equality for all marginalised and ethnic minority communities.

Module 6 – Who Are Roma: Joleen Kuyper – Community Development And Advocacy Worker with the Roma Community – Donegal Travellers Project
Joleen Kuyper Community Development And Advocacy Worker with the Roma Community – Donegal Travellers Project
Joleen Kuyper is a community worker based in County Donegal. She has been working with the Roma community since 2018, and has a background in working and activism in the areas of equality, empowerment, human rights, social justice and climate action.

Module 7 – Understanding Racism: Thoiba Ahmed, Member of Donegal Intercultural Platform
Thoiba Ahmed , originally from Sudan, came to Ireland 2015 with her doctor husband and two children. In Sudan she worked as a sociologist, professional journalist and medical secretary. In Ireland she volunteered as a community worker and interpreter for 3 years. Thoiba is a member of the steering group of Donegal Intercultural Platform and a member of Donegal Women’s Network as well as a director of the Letterkenny Islamic Association.

Module 8 – Respecting Diversity on Social Media: Joanne Sweeney – CEO Digital Training Institute
Founder of Digital Training Institute and Public Sector Marketing Pros, with an 18-year career in all forms of professional communications. A skilled broadcast journalist, PR practitioner, author, speaker, expert digital marketer and Google trainer. Joanne has had the privilege of working with Governments, international political organisations, national health services, police forces and media companies on digital transformation.

Thank You Video – Paul Kernan – Chairperson of Donegal Intercultural Platform and Aalaa Elmusharaf – Co Chair of Donegal Intercultural Platform